Wednesday, 15 May 2013

Currin Family - Latest from John and Mei Li - Update from Maurice Boyce in Sydney - ex Spring Grove - Thanks Maurice

Hello John and Mei,

Hope you are both keeping well, thank you again for your ongoing interesting pictures. Great pictures from David & Lee in the UK, looks like they are having an good trip, English weather excepted!
I am going to try and re-send an e-mail I tried to send probably 10 days ago, will send it to the 3 addresses that I have on hand this time.


Hello John & Mei,

Thank you again John for your ongoing gallery of photos, both old and recent. Those a re beautiful pictures of spring in Anshan, it must be such a special and very welcome time after your harsh winter in that part of the world.
As to you history items, I do find them most interesting, the picture of the Brightwater Trading Co certainly brought back some memories. It was hardly and elegant building, certainly not compared with the Hoopers & Hogdsons at Wakefield or even the rival Cash Wholesalers at Brightwater. We used to do all of our shopping there during the 16 months we lived in that town, you just seemed to be able to get everything that was needed there in those days but we used to travel to Wakefield for the Butcher, all before the days of the supermarket. And talking of supermarkets I understand there is a massive complex planned opposite the Appleby Highway turn-off. If they are not careful the urban sprawl will extend from the city right out to Belgrove although Spring Grove seems to have remained undeveloped. I noticed during our short time in Brightwater you had to be either an Andrews or a Palmer to be anyone.
Also as I look back it was amazing how we a s a family just seemed to have lived in so many parts of that area. We came from the UK just after the war and had a farm at Wai-iti as well as a larger property at Tutaki near Murchison. We sold the Wai-iti property and moved into a smaller place adjacent to the Spring Grove School before returning to England. My family then decided to return to NZ and we had a small farm at Pigeon Valley. After England it was heaven on earth, a river to swim in and all our old friends at Wakefield. Then about 2 tears later for reasons I still fail to understand they moved to a small property at Brightwater, we all hated it so subsequently moved to the Wood Area in Nelson into a large house overlooking the city. Then "Father" died and there was nothing but farm and family troubles as well as my 4 years at Nelson College, probably the most unhappy time of my life.
More on your "History Posts" It is quite impressive that you have  continuous family records including some photos and press clippings right back to the first pioneer Currin who arrived on the Prince of Wales. It all makes interesting reading, they were exceptionally brave people who succeeded in establishing a remarkable society. I do find it all very interesting and am pleased that you have been able to share it with me.
No special news from here at present, we have been having some really nice autumn days. I had a couple of days away during the week which I realy enjoyed. Took my ancient car down to our holiday cottage. Did a bit of maintenance and garden work  on the first day. I then spent the second day up at Fitzroy Falls, part of the very large Morton Nationl park which is to the south of Sydney. Will attach a couple of photos.
Again I hope you are both keeping well and thanks always for your interesting posts.
All the very best


Thanks for popping in.

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